Tuesday, 4 December 2007

DCC Rejects Planning Proposal

Members of the Residents Committee and other Hamptons Residents joined forces with the wider Worcester Park community last night in opposing the proposals for further development of the Hamptons. Members of Sutton’s DCC heard how the Phase 5 planning application severely underestimated the negative impact that the addition of 147 housing visits would have on a transport, health, environmental and schools infrastructure already put under severe strain by the existing development of the Hamptons. Presentations by the Chairman, Barrie McDowell and fellow residents Tim Green and Michael Freter painted a clear picture of the difficulties Hamptons residents faced with traffic on Green Lane, the lack of local health and other community facilities and the unwelcome addition of wind turbines on to Mayflower Park.

As a result of these presentations, your letters to the council and a concerted effort of local residents' groups by our ward councillors, the DCC last night unanimously rejected St James’s twin tracked planning application.

This is not the end of the battle as it is likely that this decision will be appealed but it is a great starting point and a clear indication of the strength that we have as a Residents Association able to present a single voice for all Hamptons Residents. The Committee would like to thank Tim Green and Michael Freter for making excellent supporting presentations to the DCC last night, all residents who turned up to endure a marathon 3½ hour meeting last night and all of you for writing to the council and supporting your Association in its campaign against this planning application.

It has involved a lot of hard work and time so far and there is little doubt that it will require more of the same, and probably money, in the coming months but with your continued support we will continue to be a force to be reckoned with.

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